Thursday, October 13, 2011

Social Networking Sites

The two mostly used social networking sites today in my opinion are Facebook and Twitter. Both are different and serve different purposes. Facebook, as we all know, is the most popular site for sharing information with your friends, post pictures and videos. It basically allows you to keep your circle of friends in the loop about what you are up to, which events you are attending and invite your friends to come along. Additionally, you can review individual profiles and get to know or be introduced to people.
Twitter is more of a status update site. Tweet is a short real time commentary on the person, product, event or a feeling to keep the updates quick and easy. That’s why most of the people have both Twitter and Facebook accounts, since they complement each other. Another social networking site that I like a lot is LinkedIn. It has some similar features as Facebook but serves different purpose- it’s a networking site for professionals. It allows you to expand your professional network, increase chances of getting a job, and exchange professional presentations and marketing papers. You can’t (and it’s not necessary) exchange pictures or videos and you need to be careful what you post on LinkedIn since HR divisions of many companies use it as one of the main recruiting tools. I personally use LinkedIn a lot to keep in touch with updates on the industry and to follow the companies.
As far as MySpace- it’s outdated and was replaced by Facebook. Creators had a good idea to allow for personalization but it went too far and it became difficult to follow your friends’ profiles since all of them had different layouts. So Facebook in my opinion wins by creating a standard profile and allowing for simpler communication and information sharing.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree. So far I don't find my friends/family who use MySpace. It will be closed, whereas, Facebook is a successful biz model. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are so powerful in connecting people. Although LinkedIn is more professional for job hunting/recruitment, Facebook is also another popular site for HR recruiters. So we have to pay attentions to our internet behaviors. I also notice Twitter provides options to upload pictures and videos, although it has to use the 3rd party platform. It's convenient other than just 140 characters. But it's also noticeable that Facebook has the same function of "status update." Perhaps Facebook might displace Twitter in the near future. Who knows.
